
Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) for Ordinary Passport

Electronic Travel Authorization for Travel Document Holders and the Nationals of

Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Swaziland, Somalia, Liberia, Iraq, Ethiopia, Palestine, Syria and Afghanistan

Documents Required For Travel Document Holders issued by the Government of UK, those who have been in the United Kingdom in a refugee status:

Applicants can submit their documents for ETA and collect their passports in person or through their agents/representatives or by post as well.

For the application received by post, a Virtual Payment (Visa Debit/Credit, Master Card Debit/Credit, All Maestro cards) link will be sent to the applicant"s email once the application is received at the Embassy.

The applicants from the United Kingdom can enclose a Self Addressed Envelope with Special Delivery Stamp as per necessity with the application. (*Please do not use printed stamp and label)

Electronic Travel Authorization for Diplomatic and Official

An ETA shall be issued to a person holding a diplomatic or official passport for an official visit or duty to Nepal, including their accompanying family members, provided all hold diplomatic or official passports.

The diplomatic/official visa shall be issued by the Embassy for a period of 30 days.

The term thereof may be extended, if required, from the Department of Consular Services, Kathmandu for the remaining term of the official assignment in Nepal.

Required Documents for issuing ETA for Official/Diplomatic Passport:

  1. Original Diplomatic/Official passport with at least 6 months" validity with at least two empty pages.
  2. One recent passport-size photograph
  3. A note verbale from the Foreign Ministry/Diplomatic Mission/ International Organisation or equivalent offices for an ETA, stating clearly the purpose and period of the visit.
  4. Online Electronic Travel Authorization application form for Official/Diplomatic Passport Holders (https://nepaliport.immigration.gov.np/onlinevisa-mission/application)

ETA fees will be as follows:

Type of Visa Visa Valid for Fee
Multiple Entry 15 days £25/-
Multiple Entry 30 days £40/-
Multiple Entry 90 days £100/-

**Once ETA issued, it will be valid up-to six months only, so please enter the country within six months of visa issued date & DO NOT apply for a visa after or before 6 months you travel.

**Please note: Once the ETA is approved/issued, the fees will not be refunded.

**Tourist visas can be obtained on arrival at entry points except for the nationals of Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Swaziland, Somalia, Liberia, Iraq, Ethiopia, Palestine, Syria and Afghanistan.

**Refugees travelling with travel documents will require ETA before arrival.

Visitors may also obtain tourist visa at following arrival points in Nepal: Click here for Arrival points

Visa Extension:

A tourist visa can be extended from the Department of Immigration and Pokhara Immigration Office for a total of 120 days.

An additional 30 days visa may be granted on reasonable grounds from the Department.

Over the course of a visa year, a tourist cannot stay in Nepal more than cumulative 150 days.

Non-Residential Nepalese Visa:

1.If any foreigner of Nepalese origin residing in foreign country wish to reside or conduct business, profession or Study, teach in any subject in Nepal, ETA for non-residential Nepalese visa may be issued to him and of his family.

2. The format of non-residential Nepalese visa shall be under Appendix 3b.

For Rules and Appendix Please see link below Immigration office, Nepal

For more information please contact us on 02072291594 or email: visa@nepembassy.org.uk