Notice regarding the Embassy closure on Thursday, 18th October and Friday 19th October 2018 respectively
Notice The Embassy of Nepal, London will remain closed on Thursday, 18th October and Friday, 19th October 2018 on the occasion of Maha Nawami and Bijaya Dashami festival of Nepal respectively.
Press Release regarding 122nd Session of the International Coffee Council and other ICO bodies (London)
प्रेस-विज्ञप्ति अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय कफी संगठन (ICO) को मिति १७-२१ सेप्टेम्वर २०१८ मा सम्पन्न १२२औं अधिवेशनले संयुक्त अधिराज्यका लागि नेपाली राजदूत एवं ICO का लागि नेपालका स्थायी प्रतिनिधि महामहिम डा. दुर्गा बहादुर सुवेदीलाई सन् 2018/2019 का लागि प्रवर्द्धन तथा बजार विकास समिति (Promotion and Market Development Committee) को अध्यक्षमा निर्वाचित गरेको छ। महामहिम डा. सुवेदी यस अघि मेक्सिकोमा सम्पन्न १२१औं अधिवेशनमा सो
Notice regarding the Embassy closure on Thursday, 20th September 2018
Notice The Embassy of Nepal, London will remain closed on Thursday, 20th September 2018 on the occasion of National Day (Constitution Day) of Nepal.
Notice regarding the Embassy closure on Monday, 27th August 2018.
Notice The Embassy of Nepal, London will remain closed on Monday, 27th August 2018 on the occasion of Summer Bank Holiday.
Teej 2018 Celebration on Saturday, 8th Sept 2018 at the Embassy of Nepal, 12A Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 4QU
Teej 2018 Celebration on Saturday, 8th September 2018 at the Embassy of Nepal, 12A Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 4QU
Press release of the Special Ceremony on Nepal-Ireland Friendship Day on 18 August 2018 in Dublin, Ireland
Press release of the Special Ceremony on Nepal-Ireland Friendship Day on 18 August 2018 in Dublin, Ireland प्रेस- विज्ञप्ति नेपाल र आयरल्याण्डवीच दौत्य सम्वन्ध स्थापनाको बीसौं वर्ष शुभारम्भ भएको सुखद् उपलक्ष्यमा संयुक्त अधिराज्य र आयरल्याण्डका लागि नेपाली राजदूत महामहिम डा.दुर्गा बहादुर सुवेदीले आयोजना गर्नुभएको नेपाल-आयरल्याण्ड मैत्री दिवस १८ अगष्ट २०१८ का दिन आयरल्याण्डको राजधानी डव्लिनमा भव्यतापूर्वक सम्पन्न भयो
10th Nepali Mela UK on 26th August 2018
10th Nepali Mela UK on 26th August 2018
Notice regarding on Anti-Money Laundering in Nepal issued by Nepal Rastra Bank
नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंक, मुद्रा तथा धारक विनिमय अधिकार पत्रको उद्घोषण गर्ने व्यवस्था सम्बन्धी अत्यन्त जरुरी सूचना Notice regarding on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) in Nepal issued by Nepal Rastra Bank (Click here)
Notice regarding the changes in the fee on the following services. i.e. Power of Attorney, Demand Attestation, Document Attestation and other Documents Attestation.
Notice regarding the changes in the fee on the following services. i.e. Power of Attorney, Demand Attestation, Document Attestation and other Documents Attestation. For English (Click here) and Nepali notice (Click here)